Today—the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade—pro-lifers Sarah & Bristol Palin will talk about Bristol's new vow of abstinence on Oprah. (Isn't the definition of insanity repeating the same mistake over and over expecting a different result
Newsweek And then there's the more cynical read of Bristol's recent abstinence promotion: It's all orchestrated by Sarah Palin, who wants a new spin on her Bristol Palin's abstinence pledgeThe Week Magazine
Bristol Palin Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Bristol Palin sues Levi Johnston for
The second guest on the show was Gayle Haggard, the wife of former evangelist Ted Haggard. Ted Haggard has appeared on the Oprah show before where he admitted to having homosexual experiences and thoughts.
The Oprah Winfrey Show (syndicated) Check local listingsOprah takes a look at women who've lived through a public scandal, including Gayle Haggard the wife of disgraced evangelical preacher Ted Haggard. Hopefully this won't be an
gayle haggard Ted and Gayle Haggard: Turning Lemons into Lemonade - Lez Get Real

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