​Clip Job: an excerpt every day from the Voice archives. June 10, 1965, Vol. X, No. 34. The Manly Art Is Off to Camp. By Barbara Long. I've seen the crisis coming for some time now, and I'm not sure Boxing will survive this one. God knows, Boxing's been in trouble for Pure boss to have Jose Torres' sparring partner, Norman "Left Killer K.O. Tiger" Mailer, take 25000 words in Esquire to explicate the metaphysics of the Liston-Patterson fight. Very comforting to know,
(As an aside that I've disclosed here before, but it's been a while, "Song of the South" was easily one of my favorite movies as a kid, and I still love it to this day.) About half way through this clip, it reverts to the unfinished work, When I saw it was called "Wrecking Ball" it made me think of that great X song "Call of the Wrecking Ball," and while this isn't quite as good, it's still a new song from the Boss performed live at Giants Stadium, so enjoy,
boss s day clip art Naughty Camper by Stella Stewart Part One | News|Blog|Video